It may be called "elephant garlic" because of its large bulbs, but the plant is more closely related to leeks. And, with their stout stalks, it's easy to slice them and use them in any recipe that's suitable for leeks. Not a strong taste, both onion-y and garlic-y. Useful in many ways.
But, even better, they're incredibly easy to grow. No hassling with seed-starting like leeks, just spread some of the small bulblets from the base of the plant into any place you want them. They don't seem to be fussy about soil and, in fact, seem to sprout up in odd areas on their own.
I suspect that you don't even need to kill the main plant to have your leeks for dinner. Haven't tried it yet, but, like green onions, they'll probably sprout up from any bit that has roots left. I'll let you know after I do a few trials.